Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental Implant Services

Dental implants are an excellent solution for those who are suffering from tooth loss or pain, speech issues, or difficulty with chewing, which can lead to digestive problems. Plaza Dental Group offers the best dental implants in San Jose County for those who are in need of tooth replacement or restoration of their smile.

The implant procedure requires several steps. During the first visit, X-rays, impressions, and molds will be taken to plan for the surgery. The actual surgery involves placing an artificial root, or dental implant, into the jawbone. The gum is numbed, and the bone is revealed surgically to make space for the implant post. After the surgery, there is a healing period, during which the implant gradually incorporates itself into the bone. Once the healing period is over, the artificial tooth, or crown, is placed, and adjustments are made as necessary to ensure a perfect fit.

Patients may experience mild to moderate discomfort or pain during the recovery period, but this is normal. Rest and a soft food diet are recommended for the first 24-48 hours, and hot meals, liquids, and straws should be avoided until healing is complete. Smoking and alcohol should be avoided for at least a week following surgery. Proper diet and oral hygiene routines are essential for ensuring long-lasting results.

If you are interested in dental implants, schedule a consultation with Plaza Dental Group to discuss the best possible treatment plan for you.

Dental Implants

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium that are surgically placed into the jawbone. They are used to support a replacement tooth or a bridge.

With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime. However, the crown or bridge that is attached to the implant may need to be replaced after 10-15 years.

The dental implant procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and most patients report minimal discomfort. After the procedure, there may be some swelling and soreness that can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications.

The dental implant process usually takes several months to complete, depending on the individual case. This includes the healing time for the implant to fuse with the jawbone, as well as the time needed to create and attach the replacement tooth or bridge.

Most people who are in good health and have sufficient jawbone density can get dental implants. However, certain medical conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, cancer, or autoimmune disorders may affect the success of the implant procedure.

The cost of dental implants varies depending on the number of implants needed and the complexity of the case. Generally, a single dental implant can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $6,000. However, insurance may cover a portion of the cost.

Dental implants require the same care as natural teeth, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups. It is important to avoid biting on hard objects, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption, as these can all affect the success of the implant procedure.

To determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants, your dentist will evaluate your oral health, medical history, and jawbone density. X-rays and other imaging tests may also be needed.

While dental implants have a high success rate (around 95%), they can fail in some cases. Factors that can contribute to implant failure include poor oral hygiene, smoking, uncontrolled diabetes, and a weak immune system.

The dental implant procedure is generally safe when performed by a qualified and experienced dentist or oral surgeon. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved, such as infection, nerve damage, and implant failure.

Yes, dental implants can be used to replace multiple missing teeth. Depending on the number of missing teeth, your dentist may recommend a bridge supported by two or more implants, or an implant-supported denture.

Most people are able to return to work and normal activities within a few days to a week after dental implant surgery. However, it may take several months for the implant to fully integrate with the jawbone and for the final restoration to be placed.

Need an Appointment?

Call (408) 270-4333 to schedule an appointment or complete the form below. If you need more info, contact us directly.

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